Nexus television - simply the best!

Video Archives

NEXUS originally recorded video on 1/2" reel to reel analogue tape machines, which meant that every copy from the master tape lost quality - joys of analogue! Add to that the fact that tapes were expensive and so usually reused after transmission and finally factor in that no sensible mechanism existed for many years to digitise these old tapes and it's a miracle anything has survived.

What we have here is a selection of programmes, almost all of which have been, unfortunately, degraded by copying from one format to another, finally to VHS from which they were digitised. Trust me, the original quality was somewhat better!

Check out the menu on the right for categories.. thanks to everyone for their contributions.

BBC Radio Norfolk documentary - August 2021 - Note: Due to (c) issues this file needs to be downloaded and can not be played directly from this site. Some browsers may actually play it...